eBay Update + 15% Off on eBay and Etsy through June 3 - Oxygot

Friday, June 1, 2018

eBay Update + 15% Off on eBay and Etsy through June 3

I have a promotion for 15% off all of my books on both eBay and Etsy.  There is no minimum order, so all orders qualify.  The offer ends Sunday, June 3, 2018.  If you see this blog post after June 3, 2018, the offer will no longer be active and will not be honored.

Jennifer's Series Books on eBay

Jennifer's Series Books on Etsy

This may be the last sale I run on eBay.  As is typical, eBay is tightening its control over sellers, ostensibly to give buyers a better experience.  Beginning in late June, eBay will only allow sales to be run on items that have been listed for at least 14 days.  eBay says that this is so that buyers will have price transparency.

New items cannot be included in a sale, because the buyer doesn't know if the seller artificially raised the price before listing it.  So eBay feels it is better for new items not to be on sale, since the seller might be trying to pull a scam.  How about letting buyers make the decision on whether the seller's price was artificially raised before the item was put on sale?  But then, eBay doesn't think buyers are smart enough to figure that out.

I do not use eBay's "Good 'Til Canceled" option for my listings.  This is because I typically float more than 250 listings each month on my allotted 250 free listings.  If I were to use "Good 'Til Canceled," then I would lose control on when my items get relisted, since eBay would do it for me.  This would cause me to pay listing fees on some items where I can avoid the fees.

Since future sales will require items to be listed at least 14 days, I would have to use "Good 'Til Canceled" in order to have all of my listings qualify for the sale.  I briefly considered whether I would want to switch to "Good 'Til Canceled," but I decided that I do not want to lose control of whether I pay listing fees for some listings.

I believe that eBay's change in the sales requirement is being done solely to put more control on sellers like me so that we cannot float more than 250 listings each month.

I had already been thinking about moving more of my books to Etsy due to some other eBay issues.  I am going to do just that.  Far more series books are being listed on Etsy than were a few years ago.  We do tend to follow each other around, and since more of us are now listing on Etsy, others have followed.

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