The Sea Runners' Cache and Secret of the Armor Room by Capwell Wyckoff - Oxygot

Wednesday, June 6, 2018

The Sea Runners' Cache and Secret of the Armor Room by Capwell Wyckoff

In The Sea Runners' Cache, friends Bruce, Cal, and Scotty stay with Scotty's Uncle Ed on the south New Jersey shore.  Uncle Ed is having trouble with people sabotaging his fishing business.  Uncle Ed also wants to purchase an old home that is on the nearby shore, but the home is taken off the market and unknown persons are prowling inside the house.  The boys work on solving both mysteries as they enjoy their time on the coast.

I tend not to like books that are set on the coast and are centered around fishing and lobster boats.  I have no idea why I do not enjoy this setting, but I almost always have trouble enjoying the stories or enjoy them much less than books with other settings.

The setting caused me not to enjoy this book as much as Wyckoff's other books.  The story is fine, and this is probably a very good book.  However, I was bored during parts of the story, and I was especially bored during the climax of the story.  During the climax, too much happens simultaneously, and I did not care about any of it.

In The Secret of the Armor Room, Dave, Ren, and Dilly learn that Professor Sterns is having trouble with prowlers inside his house.  Items keep getting moved around in the room where the professor keeps his artifacts.  The boys begin to investigate, and they soon have several suspects.

I did not make any notes about this book when I read it, so I don't have any further comment except that I did enjoy the book.

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