Judy Bolton #4 Seven Strange Clues - Oxygot

Sunday, December 30, 2018

Judy Bolton #4 Seven Strange Clues

In Judy Bolton #4, Seven Strange Clues, Judy and her friends are competing in an art contest.  A place is set up in the basement for the girls to work on their posters.  One night, Honey seems frightened but won't explain why.  Later, the girls' school burns down, and all of the posters that had been turned in are lost.  Strangely, a poster believed lost wins the contest.  And just who are the mysterious men renting a space in the Boltons' garage? 

On page 26 of the original text, the men renting the garage build the workbench for Judy.  One of the men, Stephen Garry, also offers to purchase Judy's show card colors for her.  This is a bit much, and Judy protests that she shouldn't let him "do all this work without pay."

Stephen Garry replies as follows.
"That's nothing to what I would do," he replied, giving Judy a curious look that she was at a loss to interpret.
That seems a bit suggestive for a children's book.  It's also creepy.  I was not surprised to see the entire passage removed from the revised Tempo edition.

On page 95 of the original text, Judy's abduction in The Vanishing Shadow is mentioned as being one of her past dangerous adventures.  Since the abduction was completely removed from the revised text of The Vanishing Shadow, the revised text of this title also removes the reference.

On page 159 of the original text, Irene comments that she believes that Kay became friends with her "because she wanted to 'make' Stephen Garry."  Obviously "make" is not meant exactly how it sounds to the modern reader, but it must have still sounded bad by the 1960s.  Margaret removed it from the revised text.

This is a very good book.

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