Vintage Boys' Series Books Purchased in 2018 - Oxygot

Friday, January 4, 2019

Vintage Boys' Series Books Purchased in 2018

In 2018, I purchased complete sets of several vintage boys' series books that were published by A. L. Burt.  These books are extremely hard to find.

In a period of just 15 days from start to finish, I acquired the entire set of Mercer Boys books by Capwell Wyckoff.  Both luck and money were involved.

A collector sold her set of Mystery Hunters books by Capwell Wyckoff.  I was able to purchase all four of them.

I purchased the entire set of Golden Boys books from the family of the original owner.  The books were mailed to me from Skowhegan, Maine, where I assume they had been since they were originally purchased.  The Golden Boys series is set in Skowhegan, Maine.  How neat is that?

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